Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive of my trip to Alaska this March.  I am overwhelmed by the generosity of people's heart and willingness to give so graciously to my cause - or should I say - God's cause.  If it wasn't for God, I would not be going, and I am so incredibly thankful for what God has done.  He has opened so many doors for me including this one to Alaska.

I am thankful for my donations.  To date, I have received $400.  I have taken $450 of my own money and put it towards the deposit that is required to "save" my spot (so to speak).  I hope to book my ticket in the next two weeks and so looking forward to doing that.  I have also purchased my very first passport, and though that might not seem like a big deal to some, I am rather excited about it.

It is interesting to me that many Americans (and maybe even non-American's) do not realize that Alaska is not actually apart of the contiguous United States.  As my trip gets closer and closer my excitement for going is increased and in that, my discussions regarding my trip are also increased.  In talking with others, I have come to find that many people do not realize that Alaska is much further north than Washington state.

Thank you again for all of you who are supporting this mission by either monetary donations or through prayer.  I am seeking God's will in my life daily, studying his Word and grateful for the opportunities where I am able to share the Gospel with others.

On a side note:  Last evening, I was able to share the Gospel with a neighbor of mine for the second time.  Although the task was difficult, I pray that a seed was planted on fertile ground (Matthew 13:1-23).  Sharing with him was difficult due to him not believing he was a sinner.   I had heard many times that if you had an hour with someone you would spend 45 minutes of that hour convincing them they were a sinner.  I don't think I recognized that statement to be true till last night.  I don't want to say that I am ignorant, but all signs point to ignorance or me being naive to think that people do recognize sin, however, we live in a world today that is filled with non-believers thinking that because they do good deeds they are not sinning.  There is only ONE person who has ever lived a sin-free life and that was Jesus Christ.  I will continue to pray for this young mans soul and that he will find the peace and freedom that comes with being a child of the Most High God!

To you - my faithful followers, I thank you so much for reading.  I know there are some out there who are reading this blog whom I do not know, but I pray that this blog is a blessing to you.  Some of you are very far away from me.  You live in places I have only studied about.  I am praying for you too.  I may not know your name, but our Father does.  He knows every hair on your head.  I will not pretend to know what it is like to live in these places, nor pretend to understand any persecution you may be under.  I wear a bracelet that is a reminder daily of my brothers and sisters who are in lands of persecution.  I know that God will sustain you and give you the strength to endure. 

I am sending you my love and I hope you know you are not alone.  God has you! 

P.S.  I have not thoroughly reviewed this website but I have received a book that I have yet to finish but it may be a resourceful sight for some.  If you are interested, please visit the Voice of Martyrs site at

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