John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son
that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting
I knew before I even left that I would be entering into the Promised Land. 34 years of wandering, wandering through the world trying to find my place. Where was it that God wanted me? Did He want me here or did he want me there? I did the driving, not ever giving God the wheel. It was not till I totally handed the wheel of my life over to God did I know where I was to go. I quit complaining, I quit the self-seeking... I had to let go. When I let go, when I put all of my trust, all of my life in the hands of the one who created me in His image, did all the pieces begin to fall into place.
My life began to change a few years ago. God began to pull away the scales that covered my eyes, the earphones of this world that filled my ears and scraped away the old Anna to allow the new me in Christ to come in. In all of the change - all of it good - He created in me a heart - a desire - a love - a passion - for a people, for a place, for a world unknown to me. I dreamed, I prayed, I longed to enter into this promise land on earth that God had made for me. This Promise Land you ask - is not the same as where Moses was leading the Israelites, yet, it is the Promise Land of Alaska. The Last Frontier State. The 49th state of the United States. A land of promise, a land of hope, a land that holds fast to centuries of Indian - native traditions. Yes - Alaska - is my promise land.
I am sitting in the airport, sad because I know that I leave here tonight - this morning - on the red eye - back to a home that houses my bed, my belongings, yet I come back without my heart - without my soul. Alaska is where I belong. My heart aches for the people - the natives of this land. My heart aches to be here - to share the Gospel of OUR King. To share a love that God has placed in my heart for these people. I don't want to leave. I see the faces - they are embedded in my mind - they will never leave me. I ache to be here.
My friends - pray with me - today and always for the Lord's divine direction in not only in my life - but in the lives of these wonderful native people. They love and laugh - they cry and hurt - they sing and dance - they too have a Savior that died for them. Pray for discernment, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Pray that I will follow His will and not my own. Pray that the doors will be opened for the right time and that all the pieces will fall into place.
I am ready when He is.
Here are a few pics of my travels. I have several videos to upload but will do that when I get in. Till then, please pray for me, you and our world. For the ones who have not been touched and the ones who know HIS NAME but do not call upon Him.
Matthew 29:19-20 ~ "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Packing up and getting ready to head out |
Alaska Hwy and Tok Cutoff - we are almost there! |
Stop and ate at mile 1313.3 |
Beautiful sunset over the bay |
God's beauty |
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