Taken in Woodstock, Ga 2010 - the display of our amazing King! |
It is hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I was in a land far away from home. A place, that although I had never been, I knew my heart would feel at home. I was right.
Returning to the daily grind here in Birmingham has been a tough transition. The reality of work and school, home life and doggie needs, all came crashing in as soon as I turned the key in my front door. The overload of school work, the projects that seem to never end, the attention starved dog desiring to receive every bit of my time, it all awaited me. Was I naive to think that these things would not be awaiting me upon my return? Absolutely. However, I stand in amazement of what God has done. He gave me the desires of my heart. The desires, that began years ago as I cleaned out a coffee canister, cut out a whole in the top and wrote Alaska on it. I remember that day so well. That canister never got filled to the top, life happened, and it happened quick. Changes came, new views came upon me, and a new life awaited me in Birmingham. All these things I did not know that day many years ago as I so desired to save up enough money to go to Alaska. It wasn't until Birmingham that God would open those doors. It wasn't until a cool crisp day in October, when a world of new faces, new experiences would allow for me to even contemplate the trip.
So as I sit here on my patio and enjoy the beauty of the evening, I take a moment to reflect on my time spent in Alaska.
The flight, was the longest I have ever taken. I remember before even leaving, I prayed a little prayer, asking God to allow me to see the Northern Lights. I think back now, I should have been a little bit more specific, but wow, He - yet again - filled my life with that request. I had not even landed in Anchorage and there they were - right out my airplane window - the Northern Lights. What did they look like? I laugh, only because I expected something more. They were green - like a gaseous green. When I first saw them, I was like - what in the world is that, and then it dawned on me, that is the Northern Lights. My emotional self, a little tear fell upon my cheeks and I smiled and thanked God for the beauty of that display. No matter how small and how it surely did not fit my expectations, it was nonetheless, a spectacular moment and another answered prayer.
Upon my arrival, I couldn't help but be realize the fact of where I was. If you look at a globe you actually have to turn it just to see Alaska (well my globe anyway and if you are in Birmingham, AL). It is way up yonder. ALMOST - on top of the world!!! :-) It was hard to realize, that I - Anna - was so far away from home, from my family, my friends, and the world that I knew. I smiled in the excitement, knowing it was where I was to be at that time. God had laid that time out for me.
Heading out to the village was thrilling for me. Prior to even arriving, I was in constant prayer, talking to God - seeking God's direction and how I knew that no matter what I was to come up against, He had this. It was His time. Not my time, not anyone I was with, it was all His. Therefore, I trusted that every twist and turn, every word and song was all for His glory and His glory alone.
This trip was nothing short of a miracle. I am eternally grateful for what God has done, what He showed me and I look forward to being apart of this village for a long time to come. I am excited to see what God will do as the days, weeks, months and years continue to roll on. May His Glory be known, His name be proclaimed and Praises be extolled to our one true King - Jesus Christ.
Much love